* = These were favorites.
Richardson Grove State Park, CA. $32, no hook ups, toilets, no showers, wooded setting. Nice, rustic.
Harris State Park, Brookings*, OR. $26, electric/water, toilets, showers, close to ocean. Primo.
Washington State Park, WA. $22, electric/water, toilets, close to beach. Wet. Could be a good summer spot.
Howard Miller Steelhead Park*, Skagit County, Rockport, OR. Nice grounds on river. Toilets/$howers. Wifi at the Tavern across the street. Primo.
Diablo, WA, National Forest $12, toilets, on lake. One of the most gorgeous spots. Rustic.
Klipchuck, National Forest $6, pit toilets, quiet and serene, deer abound. Rustic.
Riverbend R.V. Park*, Twisp, WA. $38. The whole enchilada, plus Wifi.
Sonora Point RV Resort*, Tonasket, WA. $25. Restrooms/showers, elec/water. On the river. Serene.
Winchester's (formerly Miller's) RV Park*, Republic, WA. $38. Restrooms, showers, full hook ups, plus laundry. Primo.
Lewis & Clark Fairgrounds, Helena, MT. $20. Elec/Water. Pit toilets. Nice scenery.
Chewala Golf/Country Club, RV Park*. Chewala, WA. $26. Restrooms, showers, laundry and Wifi. Golfers' delight.
Eagles Landing RV Resort, Cusick, WA. A complete bust. Phone disconnected. Nada. Nothing.
Blueslide Resort/Campground*, Cusick, WA. $27.41. Restrooms, Showers, Elect/Water/Sewer - Plus owner, Gary, used to live Kauai. Did I say there was a swimming pool - yes, there is.
Travel America Park*, Sagel, ID. $23. Restrooms, $howers, elect/water/sewer, laundry, and Wifi.
Cabinet Gorge RV Park, Noxin, MT. $26. Restrooms, showers, elect/water/sewer, laundry and Wifi. The facilities were good and the setting was nice, but the manager and her guests were drunk and disorderly. Would NOT go back, unless there were a positive change in management.
Woodland RV Park, $29. Libby, MT. Restrooms, showers, elect/water/sewer, laundry & Wifi. Next to the creek, trees, well maintained. Would come back.
Rexford Bench RV Park, $6. Rexford, MT. National Park. Restrooms Only.
Whitefish State Park*, $15. Restrooms, $howers. Wonderful place on a lake. Sandy was the best camp host yet.
Avalanche Campground, Glacier Nat'l Park, MT. $10. Restrooms. Wonderful setting.
KOA, St. Mary's, MT. $32. Restrooms, $howers. Pool and hot tub. Windy. Did I say windy.
River View RV, Cut Bank, MT. $36. Restrooms, Showers. Elect.
YR RV PK, East Glacier, MT. $23. Restrooms, $howers, Laundry, Elect, Water, Sewer.
Wood Bay RV/Marina and Resort, Wood Bay, MT.$26.75. Restrooms, showers, elect/water/sewer, Wifi. Next to lake.
Jellystone RV, Missoula, MT. $43. Restrooms, showers, elect/water/sewer, Wifi, laundry, pool, miniture golf, ice cream!
Sula RV, Sula, MT. $29. Restrooms, showers, elect/water. Terrible mosquito swarms in the evening.
Riverside, RV, Twin Bridges, MT. $10. This was at the Madison County fairgrounds. Pit toilet/elect. This is also where our tent died. Terrible mosquito swarms.
Hideaway RV Park, West Yellowstone, MT. $26. Restrooms, showers, elect/water. Cozy. There were roomier places, but they wanted to charge us $46 and $53 - and we couldn't set up the tent. The price was right and Gene the camp host is a great guy. Friendly. Helpful.
Osen's RV Park, Livingston, MT $33
Itch Kep Pe, City Park, Columbus, MT $10 Donation
City Park, Custer, MT, $0
Wagon Wheel RV Park, Forsythe, MT $25.
Terry RV Oasis, Terry, MT. $20
Agate Museum Parking Lot, Savage, MT. $15
Buffalo Trails RV Park, Williston, ND $29
Six Mile Bay RV Campground, ND $20
Cooperstown, ND, City Park, ND $18 (full hookups, showers)
Lindenwood Park, Fargo, ND $25.50 (water, elec., showers)
Tamarac RV Resort, Round Lake, MN $40 (full hookups, showers, laundry)
Lake Itaska, MN $29 (elec., showers)
Norway Beach National Forest, MN. $11.50 (elec., showers)
Aitken Lake RV & Campground Resort, MN $29 (water, elec., showers)
Pete's Family Campground,* Malmo, MN $47 (full hook ups, shower, pool)
Springvale Campground, Grandy, MN $20 - w/e, showers, pool. Normally only seasonal stays - bicyclists are the exception.
William Brien State Park, Marine on St. Croix, MI e, showers
Quiet Country RV Park, Cumberland, WI, w/e showers
Neilsen Landing, Hayward, WI
Butternut Lake Campground, Butternut, WI, $23 w/e/showers (Hosts = nice young couple from Chicago)
Buckatabon, Bukatabon, WI $26
Runkle Lake Campground, Crystal Falls, MI $20 w/e/showers (lots of little tiny bugs flying around your face)
Pioneer Trail Campground, Escanaba, MI $20
Wandering Wheels, Munising, MI $29.95 w/e/showers/laundry
Hog Island State Park, Naubinway, MI $15 pit toilets - on Lake Michigan
TIKI, St. Ignace, MI, $35, Full hook ups, showers, laundry WiFi
Young State Park, Boyne City, MI $29 + $6 permit, Electric, Showers
Traverse City State Park, Traverse City, MI $27 + $8 permit, Electric, Showers
Four Seasons, Luther, MI $20, w/e/showers (thunder and lightening storm free of charge)
Sandy Beach, Newaygo, MI $25, w/e/showers
Ionia State Park, Saranac, MI $22 + $8 permit, e/showers, soda/snack/ice cream machines - Really!
Cold Brook Park, Galesburg, MI $20 (don't recall what amenities there were)
Middleberry KOA, Middleberry, IN (Shipshewana area) $41 Full Hookups
Monroeville Community Park, Monroeville, IN - Donation - facility made available to cross country cyclists. Indoor sleeping area, kitchen, bathrooms, shower and laundry. Blessings to the folks of Monroeville.
Fire Lake Campground*, Bowling Green, OH, $37, w/e, showers, laundry, WiFi (sort of)
Timber Ridge Campground, Amherst, OH, $35, Full Hookups, laundry, indoor pool