The journey began May 25. What a whirlwind it has been. Our flights over were uneventful. Trixie has proven to be an excellent traveler. Her only transgressions were an incident when she saw a service dog at the Hilo airport - she had a few words for him. Then on take off we had to put her carrier on the floor beneath the seat in front of us and she wasn't real happy about that. However, she was better behaved than the toddler up front with the well developed lungs.
The rental car was another story...finding a car for four people and ALL their luggage at a good price is no easy task - especially for four tired people. We ended up with a Grand Marquee. The trunk stuffed to capacity and part of the back seat too.
From the 26th to the 31st, we were at Steve's mom's - quite the gracious host, not at all phased by the four, five of us invading her quite household with the effect of a hurricane. It took all that time to provision and outfit Lucy, the RV. Bobby and Steve found good deals on all the equipment we needed for storage and carrying the bicycles. Lisa and I haunted Ross, Wal Mart and Target to find what we needed for inside of the RV. It's like furnishing your first apartment or dorm room. Had more things to buy than we thought of and things still keep coming to mind. Amazing the amount of stuff we have packed into Lucy.
Late in the day on Monday, the 31st, we headed off to our first stop, Richardson Grove State Park - California. There we got to put up our new tent for the first time -- in the dark. Steve remarked "Something's wrong." We looked at him puzzled, until he said, "We're not fighting." Wow! Breakthrough! We've learned to work together - after only 13 years.
We had all the hoses and belts replaced before we left Santa Rosa...some of the belts needed re-adjustment. Lucky for us Bobby and Steve can do!
Yesterday, we left Richardson's and headed north to Oregon, to a place Bobby and Lisa stayed when they were here last year, Harris State Park. It's a nice campground located on the ocean and we have a nice site. Read - close to the bathroom. Some time during the middle of the night it started raining and it hasn't stopped since. The good news -- the tent is waterproof and has a full rainfly.
When the rain stops I'll take more photos...
A hui hoa.